Last week, we finished our NAME DESIGN class. Everyone did great job with their names. I'm so happy to see all those drawings. Hopefully, you also enjoy their works!
Those drawing are drawn by kindergarten students, I love the colors, so amazing! They probably will become an artist like Van Gogh.
In the project we learned how to use many different colors to color the background. That's very useful to create a colorful pictures. Also how to use a right color. In my class, I always reminds students do not use black unless someplace you have to color with black. We use the "warm" color and "cold" color to separate different styles paintings. In one of my class. Students were given three oil pastels: Red, Yellow, and Blue. They draw a rainbow shape and fill in all of the colors using only the three primary colored oil pastels. The oil pastels work great for this project because they smudge and blend to allow the students to really mix the colors. They learned very fast to how to mix the colors. I'm very happy all my students gave me so much surprises after they finished their works. Hope the parents will like all the drawing they draw. Mrs. Maya I love the colors, so amazing! They probably will become an artist like Van Gogh.
As a teacher, the most happies time is students telling you, they love you and they think you are the best teacher.
I really appreciate all of you guys give me the happy time. I enjoyed teaching all my students and hope you still like my class. Mrs. Maya. Look at those pictures, it's amazing, isn't it? Those pictures are drawn by kindergartens. Look those colors and the shape of pumpkin, very cute and adorable.
Love all you guys! Mrs. Maya Last time, we had a class talked about elephant, everyone was exciting and happy talking with their experience in the zoo. Some of them love elephant because they are very cute and has big ears, some of the students likes elephant's trunk. I was step by step teaching them how to draw a elephant with a easy way. They are very smart kids learned so fast.
Do you want to see their works? Follow all the pictures below here. You will be very suprise that their works are so beautiful. Thank you, and love all of you! -- Mrs. Maya 常有人問我,幼兒畫畫,應該從幾歲開始學?其實繪畫沒有定式。學畫畫沒有指定的時間,在我們的經驗中,其實是越早越好的,因為它同時是人文字表達的替代,多一種表達方式,讓人精神更自由,讓人更快找到發現自我的途徑,更愛自己和他人,更聰明。另,畫畫沒有壓力並釋放壓力,希望大人們也試試。只要看到孩子拿起了筆,開始在紙上塗抹,家長就給予鼓勵,給予掌聲就好啦。希望大家能從Miss Maya的課程中的學到知識,享受到l樂趣。 In this class we drew a koala. Everyone was exciting talking about Koala. I love all my students. They are always giving me surprises. How amazing are they. Can you believe these picture are drawn by kindergarten's kids. Very proud of them. Love all of you guys!
From: Mrs. Maya |